Grow your childcare
centre with QikKids

The fastest way to grow your childcare centre with the leader in technologyCheck out our options and included features.

Join The QikKids Team

Together we’ll combine our passion for childcare and use leading technology to help your business succeed.

Integrations to Meet Your Needs

A range of integrated childcare management tools that will automatically save you time and make your life easier.


Support and Training

You’ll be in the caring and experienced hands of our world-renowned QikKids support team, who’ll attend to your business needs.

Parent Solutions

We love parents and children! So we’ve got the best apps and tools to increase your parent engagement and communication.

Director and Service Owner Director /
Service Owner
Educator Educator
Parents Parents

Your Cloud Solutions



Child Care Subsidy Software



Digital Portfolios, documentation and parent sharing



Complete parent engagement

Child Care Subsidy Software

Digital sign-in/out and headcount

Waitlist, enrolment and casual bookings

Parent engagement web portal and app

We're not the only ones excited about QikKids